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Chaos Cloud Ideas Portal

The online platform for Chaos Cloud users to submit, vote, and collaborate on creative suggestions and feedback.


All ideas

Showing 3

Add File Sorting

Implement sorting options for files and folders so navigation trough many items is easier.
Vasil Garbev over 1 year ago in Collaboration / Reviews 0 Planned

Virtual Tour Webapp Motion settings

The current webapp defaults to asking a user to use motion controls, which if allowed, stays stuck in the browsers memory preventing you from turning it off. It would be useful to have a motion sensor on/off function. I use another app for my tour...
Otto Ruano 5 months ago in Collaboration / Virtual Tours 0 Planned

Disable Email Notifications

Create an easy toggle for email notifications. My clients made a series of comments on a project and I received over 20 consecutive emails.
Charles Messenger about 1 year ago in Collaboration / Reviews 0 Planned