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Chaos Cloud Ideas Portal

The online platform for Chaos Cloud users to submit, vote, and collaborate on creative suggestions and feedback.

Status Pending
Workspace Rendering
Created by Kristiyan Petrov
Created on Jun 20, 2024

VFB in Cloud

I’d love to be able to make all the VFB adjustments, especially Lightmix right in the Cloud preview window. Saving and loading effect stacks, exposure controls, etc. I think this, tied in with Collaboration could make Chaos Cloud pretty powerful.

  • Martha Dijkstra-Maatkamp
    Oct 11, 2024

    Yes! I came here to say exactly this! Please implement this!

    My current workflow:

    1. open sketchup

    2. model the thing

    3. set up the render

    4. start cloud render as vrimg

    5. close sketchup

    6. [optional] have coffee while cloud render is going

    7. download the image

    8. open sketchup

    9. open framebuffer

    10. load vrimg

    11. do corrections

    12. save locally & upload to chaos collaboration

    This workflow would be so many steps shorter:

    open sketchup

    1. model the thing

    2. set up the render

    3. start cloud render as vrimg

    4. close sketchup

    5. [optional] have coffee while cloud render is going

    6. do corrections

    7. save straight to chaos collaboration