I’d love to be able to make all the VFB adjustments, especially Lightmix right in the Cloud preview window. Saving and loading effect stacks, exposure controls, etc. I think this, tied in with Collaboration could make Chaos Cloud pretty powerful.
Kristiyan Petrov
7 months ago
in Rendering
Resume rendering individual frames of an animation
It would be great to be able to upload an entire animation using the "Upload Only" option and then select certain frames to resume the rendering on so these frames can be checked to make sure they are rendering properly. And then be able to resume...
Joshua Robinett
5 months ago
in Rendering
Hi I m a big fan of the VrayTriplanartex and the randomizer map, but it seems like they are not supported in cloud!? Will they be? Br <harald_martinoff >
Kristiyan Petrov
6 months ago
in Rendering
I was wondering if it'd be possible at some point for Chaos to introduce free watermarked test renders (say 1-5 frames of an animation) so that we can get an idea of how many credits that we might need to buy for a project without having to spend ...
Kristiyan Petrov
7 months ago
in Rendering
Render faster with multiple machines using Tile Rendering
Is it possible to divide one large render into multiple parts (quads) so that a very large render will not fail? How large of a render will the Chaos Cloud support?
Kristiyan Petrov
7 months ago
in Rendering
I hate myself for even suggesting this idea but what if we have a "fast lane" option that you could tick on when submitting a rendering and you would pay a premium rate in credits but your job would render in lightning speed?
Kristiyan Petrov
7 months ago
in Rendering